Tag Archives: nuclear

Episode Eleven: The Steel Coffin

It’s been a long time coming, but the next episode of Doctor Who and the Shadow in Eternity is coming at you like football never dreamed.

Rule Britannia! Britannia Rules the Waves! Find out how fatal politeness led to the conquest of Australia; waves of fear on the air, live on BBC Radio Shropshire; brooding darkness and light locked in a steel coffin; what causes Blackwater and the United Nations to run hand-in-hand? And how can America’s most famous legal philosopher help our heros out of a tricky ethical dilemma?

Fly through time and space! Follow the plot as it runs like quicksilver through the cracks in your mind! And glory in the Cathedral of Light which heralds the end of our world!

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Doctors in the Real Conference

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War are blogging from inside the Non-Proliferation Review Conference (link here). I don’t expect they’ll be exposing a Gaiacidal plot from the fifth dimension. But they will be trying to deal with a gaiacidal plot originating from us humans in the good old three dimensions plus time. So I’m glad that there are some real Doctors in the UN house.

Commenting on the President of Iran’s speech, they say:

Ahmadinejad […] stated plainly that any country that develops and stockpiles nuclear weapons only exposes itself to their hazards; that the “sole purpose of nuclear weapons is to annihilate all human beings and destroy the environment,” and that possession of nuclear weapons is “disgusting and shameful.” He spoke harshly and at length about the US, charging that it “has never respected any of its commitments.”

President Ahmadinejad will have some explaining to do, somewhere down the line, if Iran eventually commits the “disgusting and shameful” act of acquiring its own nuclear arsenal. In the meantime, his critique of the double standard that has placed enormous strain on the non-proliferation regime did not sound very different from what NGOs and many other NPT member states have been saying for many years.

Ahmadinejad’s entire speech (along with all the government statements from today and from each day of the Review Conference) is on the Reaching Critical Will website.

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Seven | No Trailers

“The events you believe characterize your history are but the substance of a dream. This is a dream Earth, poised to end as nightmare. And you, the dreamers, hear my words as dreamlike too and slumber on. And while dreaming you are prey to night terrors. You dream: you drift deeper into Eternity: and the Shadow in Eternity rises to greet you.”

Doctor Who and the Shadow in Eternity, Episode Seven

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Four | The Heart of Human Knowledge

Last time . . . The sinister cleaning lady revealed her true identity; the Master Doctor threw himself into the hands of the living dead; the Doctor unlocked the doors of a battered and fire-damaged blue cabinet, to reveal: a manhole. As Sara Schilling climbed down it, a terrible sensation overcame her.

This time: Meet the Number Two Lady Detective Agency.

The Shadow in Eternity: Episode Four. Click on the right to listen, and subscribe for updates, insights and new episodes.

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